Thursday, April 25, 2013

Baby thanks

Its been some time since i post anything here...... well i got a lot of excuses but i guess i was just plain lazy. So we had FUN. this  month. I got a new job .  We ate a lot of cake.  I think things will be better soon.

On this day we have started a new health regime i call it the Workout 300 plan.  We start out by doing some push up and Squats.  Squats hurt the hell out of us but we are determined to be as strong as a fiddle.  It my 4th day on it . and its your 3rd today. 

We should take some pictures of us. so we can see before and after.

I wish our love will grow and so will this blog . I love you baby and please remember me because i think of you all the time.

You might be one person to the world but to that one person ( me ) you are the world to them.
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